Sunday, September 14, 2008

0913 Concert

Today's concert was not just great! It was awesome! I had to do everything within 30 mins. Well, I guess I made the best out of it.. And the best part was.. My babies were so happy performing too.. Many people came up to be saved and I could see alot of appreciation in the whole place.

I was very touched when I saw so many people be it young or old coming to tell me how much they felt for the songs they've heard. U know. I wished I could have told them more, but I believe my Lord has already did.. :) Lord. I love You, love You, love You!!!!!

Then after, I had to meet my friend for dinner. Was really nice of him to treat me to Pizza. Very nice haha.. As for after, my baby brother TS wanted to play bowling and so did everyone... We tried the 2nd time in this week! and guess what.!!! silly bowling alley has sooooooooooooo many people.. Agrh.. In the end. we went for ice-cream at the airport and then home..

I'm Loving it..

secret... after Hagen goes to Taiwan in oct. 24th may have 1 small concert thingy ... Lets see..

Night night

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